Thursday, September 25, 2008

Week 2

I found this week’s reading in Zawawi’s text really interesting as I had no idea how Public relations came about as a profession. My key learnings for this week were about influences on the Australian Public Relations sector and the earliest forms of Public relations. I found it really interesting to see where PR has come from in our Country. It didn’t surprise me though that our influences were from the U.S.A. I am firm believer though that one must know about their past before you can create a future so I really enjoyed this chapter. In particular I found it interesting that our earliest form of PR was from advertisers who also ran pres agencies who sent in puff pieces.
The reading mentions earliest proof of PR started in the U.S with publicity and people staging events designed to get publicity and media coverage. I thought a modern day example of this is Richard Branson and his stunts he throws to get publicity for his company “Virgin”.
A major point to note in this chapter was that the first PR firm in Australia didn’t appear in our phone books until 1952.
I found this chapter really useful as it gives background to the formation of PRIA (by Asher Joel) and explains that PRIA aims to be a regulating body for Public relations practitioners in Australia.
A significant change in Public relations practice in Australia was seen when general Douglas MacArthur, General LeGrande Diller and Asher Joel used PR for getting publicity but more so NOT to get it. They used it to control what information was given to the media and worked to get the public on their side.
I found it interesting that 65% of new infront news and around 90% of stories in business sectors of the paper are from Publlic relations officers.

The second reading in Melanie James’ book was also highly interesting and useful.I found it helpful as it gives an overview of modern day Public relations and how it is used. Particular points on interest were:
-Information on the current PR industry such as there are currently 8000 PR practitioners and our industry works above the average amount of hours per week.
Information about what poistions I can get was particularly significant as I was able to consider career options. Reading this chapter I realised it is essential i have work experience.
I also learnt that there are organisations to support us other than PRIA. These are: AMI, MEAA, Centre for Corporate Public Affairs and the Institute for fundraising.
This chapter built on my knowledge of Public Relations as previously I had little idea of job opportunities and agenicies within our field. I have since looked at Hill & Knowlton, Edelman, Burson-Marstellar and Porter Novelli websites to get an idea of clientell and intership opportunities.
Both these readings were fantastic as I know have a history of my field and an idea of how it operates withing Australia currently.

References: The Big Picture (pp 1-36) in Public Relations by Melanie James (2006). Sydney: CareerFaqs

Chapter 2 of Public relations: theory and practice / edited by Jane Johnston and Clara Zawawi. Crows Nest, N.S.W. Allen & Unwin, 2004. 2nd ed


Carmel's PR Blog said...

Hey Holly,

i found your blog really interesting to read and it was helpful to further my understanding of this weeks reading. i agree with you that it's not at all suprising that our influences come from the USA, as they do with most things!

i also like how you used the example of Richard Branson, it was an interesting observation.
i think you successfully outlined the history of public relations and provided a helpful blog to anyone interested in finding out how PR begun!

Carmel :)

Carley said...

I found your point about the first PR firm appearing in the phonebooks in 1952 a very interesting point that I had totally forgotten about. I think your summary would be extremely helpful to other students as it gives a very basic history in public relations.

CMNS1290HollyPoulton said...

The comments from Carmel and Carly and even reading other people's blogs has made me realise that my focus in this week's readings was about the history of PR whereas most people focussed on "The Big Picture". I was suprised at this! As I said in my blog though I think its really important we understand how PR began.
Carmel commented on my use of Richard Branson as an example of "ballyhoo" or pulling "stunts". I'm really please Carmel found this useful as I try and apply what I've read to the real world so I have a better understanding of a concept. I'm glad that in doing this it has provoked interest for someone else.
Carly commented about my mention of the first PR firm. I guess this was of particular interest (and in fact I was suprised that she had forgotten about it) as it mentions that this PR firm was PRIA. "The Big Picture" was a great read but from these comments I've received I think my sound summary of the points from Zawawi's reading has been useful to other students who maybe hadn't considered the importance of PR history. I hope that my different interpretation and focus of these readings has been of as much interest to other students as hteir different views of this weeks readings were to me. From these comments it sounds like it has!! Thanks