Thursday, September 25, 2008

Week 7

This weeks reading from the prescribed text focused on media relations. The first thing that struck me as important was in the first few lines of this chapter it descibed media relations as "one of the best-known elements of public relations because the work is seen to be done" (pg 259). This really rings true for me as I percieve public relations to be mostly about handling media relations and contacts effeciently. The a key point from this chapter was that the media is a "powerful tool" and their persuasive powers should not be under-estimated. The chapter also emphasised that media in Australia is monopolised and therefor holds alot of power and influence within our country. This is unlike coomunist coutries like China where the Government controls the media. I think its important that if we are to have successful media relations we understand how our media is controlled.
Another key learning for me from this reading was that trade alternative media rely on information from public relations outlets.
In mainstream media public relations materials are essential for journalists as demand for public knowledge is high.
The reading states that the relationship between media and publi relations is two-way. Public relations provides information to the media and vice-versa. This is done through media monitoring: reading, watching and listening to the media everyday. This will keep us up to date on current affairs and is important to us as it helps us decided current trends, debates etc shaping the way we operate and present our client. This reading also outlined for me how to successfully manage media relations:
-Know what makes news: there are eight news values listed by Conley: impact, conflict, timeliness, proximity, prominence, currency, human interest, the unusual.
-Be aware of deadlines: mdeia outlets run strict deadlines which makes it essential that PR practioners recognise different deadlines and work withing them
-who's who in the newsroom: know the hierarchy of the newsroom and remember the names and roles of the journalists you're dealing with
-know the difference in media styles: media is a complex and multi-layered part of society. Different mediums have different requirements and these should be considered by practitioners
-Target your audience: Know who your audience is and what media outlets target those particular publics
Another key learning for me was how to conduct a media conference. These are held to:
-allow for wide dissemination of a story
-to give all media access to the news at once
-to allow journalists to ask follow-up questions.
The reading suggests media conferences should be held at a time that bests suits journalists needs. This is generally aournd 10am due to deadlines for evening news and newspapers.
This chapter points out that media relations draws on technical aspects as well as interpersonal aspects. This builds on my knowledge as I had only a basic understanding of what media relations was and didn't understand the importance of it. I think it is important to know not only how to contact the media when sending a media kit or media release but how to maintain a relationship with them that benefits both parties.
The other two readings just reconfirmed for me what I have previously been taught as successful ways of presenting.Key lernings from the presentation reading were:
-when organising a presentation make sure you material is relevant to your audience
-deliver your presentation in a clear precise way so that it can aid audiences understanding of the topic
-Engage with the audience, that is use eye contact, a clear voice and visual aids
-Ask questions
I think it is essential as PR practitioners we are able to deliver excellent presentations

Some key learnings from the third readings are:
- Group presentation is an integral part of a large number of jobs
- It helps to have a team leader to guide the presentation
- Communicate well with your team as this will determine success of a presentation.
- rehearsals are also crucial to success

I found the first reading the most beneficial and the other two just reinforced what I already knew leaving it fresh in my mind for our debates!

References: Chapter 10 of Public relations: theory and practice / edited by Jane Johnston and Clara Zawawi. Crows Nest, N.S.W. Allen & Unwin, 2004. 2nd ed

Drew, S. (2001) Oral Presentations (pp 98-114) in The Student Skills Guide. (2nd ed.) London:Gower.

Van Emden, J. and Becker, L. (2004). Speaking as Part of a Group (pp 77-93) in Presentation Skills for Students. New York: Palgrave Macmillan


Carmel's PR Blog said...

i agree with you that the media is a 'powerful tool' and that public relations centres around the media as pr practitioners have to handle the media everyday. i think it's unavoidable! i also focused on this in my blog for this week.

i think it's important to understand the two-way relationship between the media and public relations industry, which you mentioned.

you seem to have a thorough understanding of the important things to note when working with the media, as you mentioned the importance of deadlines, knowing the target audience, knowing the media styles etc.
good job!

maddie said...

Hey Holly,
I thought your blog this week was really interesting. I guess the point I liked the most was that media relations is the most powerful PR tactic because the work can be seen. I agree with this as it reinforces just how beneficial and powerful the media can be. This point also highlights how important the relationship is between PR workers and the media, and I believe that PR professionals must treat this relationship with the up most care.
You seemd to have a great understanding of the week's reading and I gained a lot from reading it.
Well done =)

CMNS1290HollyPoulton said...

Carmel and Maddie's comments have reinforced to me that the most important point to take away from this weeks readings is that Media relations is our most powerful tool. The fact that we all agree on key points makes me confident that we are all beginning to understand the methods a PR practitioner should be using. We all seem to have focussed on the same key points (that is the importance of media relations) so I feel that obviously this reading has been of extreme importance and relevance to a number of us. As PR students I think its essential that we understand the importance of media relations early on in our studies. Maddie makes and excellent point in that we need to handle our relationships with the media with the utmost care. These comments have made me realise that the quicker we develop our understanding of complex tactics such as media relations the more effecient we will be as PR practioners. Thanks guys for letting me know that we're on the right thinking track to becoming PR pactitioners.